Classic II Infant


The Classic II Infant features a dual frequency, tunable diaphragm that allows the user to listen to both low and high frequency. The diaphragm on one side augments the traditional bell function for the opposite side. Firm pressure allows the user to hear high frequency sounds and light pressure lets them hear low frequency sounds. The specially designed bell and diaphragm chestpiece that is designed, sized and acoustically precise for infants.

SKU: X965036 Categories: ,


The Classic II Infant features a dual frequency, tunable diaphragm that allows the user to listen to both low and high frequency. The diaphragm on one side augments the traditional bell function for the opposite side. Firm pressure allows the user to hear high frequency sounds and light pressure lets them hear low frequency sounds. The specially designed bell and diaphragm chestpiece that is designed, sized and acoustically precise for infants.

Additional information

Weight .35 kg
Dimensions 33.02 × 16.51 × 7.62 cm


